About us

We're on a mission to reinvent the way books are written and published — by simplifying it with AI. If that resonates with you, it's time to start your story with us.

Welcome to First Book ai

At First Book ai, we're not just about writing books; we're about changing narratives.

Founded by Casper Brix, a published author and entrepreneur, our mission is to empower every aspiring author to share their knowledge with the world.

Casper's journey from the corporate world to the realm of publishing revealed a stark reality: a staggering 87% of aspiring authors never reach the finish line. This insight became the cornerstone of First Book ai. We are dedicated to ensuring that you, our future author, have everything you need to not just start, but finish your book with confidence and ease.

Our Philosophy: Writing Simplified

Writing a book is a dream for many, but the process can often feel daunting, overwhelming, and isolating. First Book ai was born from a simple belief: technology should make creating your masterpiece easier, not more complicated. Our platform leverages cutting-edge AI to guide you through the writing process, from the first spark of an idea to a polished manuscript ready for publication.

Us in numbers

  • 2023

    Year founded
  • 104

    Authors helped
  • 132

    Books & outlines created

What we offer

  • 1
    AI-Powered Outlining
    Our Enhanced Book Outliner tool transforms your thoughts and ideas into a structured book outline, laying the foundation for your writing journey.
  • 2
    Guided Writing Experience
    Beyond the outline, our platform provides chapter-by-chapter guidance, ensuring your writing stays on track and your narrative flows smoothly.
  • 3
    Expert guidance
    You're not alone on this journey. Join a community of like-minded authors, access expert advice, and find encouragement every step of the way.

Our core behaviors

We don't have core values, because values mean nothing without action. So these are our core behaviors.

Start with customers
Breaking free from the norm
Be radically candid
Move intentionally fast
Dream big
Quality-driven environment